“Its hard to look back on some parts of human history because when we heard about injustice we cared, but we didn’t know what to do
Too often we did nothing, but if we’re going to change that we have to start somewhere”
Invisible Children uses Film, Creativity and Social Action to end the use of Child Soldiers in Joseph Kony’s Rebel War and Restore Communities in Central Africa to Peace and Prosperity
Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army
Joseph Kony, a former Catholic alter boy from northern Uganda formed what he called “The Lord’s Resistance Army” in about 1987 – originally called the United Holy Salvation Army (UHSA).
The Lords Resistance Army demanded that Uganda be ruled according to the Biblical Ten Commandments.
Kony formed his army mostly of children kidnapped and abducted by LRA, girls are taken for sex slaves and boys as fighters. Kony is thought to have more than 80 wives as he and his senior commanders take their pick of the abducted girls.
The LRA has abducted possibly over 100,000 children.
The children are forced to perform almost unimaginable acts of cruelty, including often being forced to kill their own parents.
Kony received a surge of attention in early March 2012 when a 30-minute documentary titled Kony 2012 by film maker Jason Russell for the campaign group Invisible Children Inc was released. By the 17th of March it had been viewed by over 80 million people.
The charity “Invisible Children” hope to raise Kony’s notoriety enough to provoke a massive overnight poster campaign, planned for 20 April 2012
Money and Power Dictate to Governments
It’s always been that the decisions made by the few with the money and the power dictated the priority of their governments and the stories in the media. They determine the lives and the opportunities of their citizens.
But now there’s something bigger than that. The people of the world see each other and can protect each other.
It’s turning the system upside down. And it changes everything.
We are living in a new world, a Facebook world in which 750 million people share ideas, not thinking in borders. Its a global community, bigger than the U.S.
“Joseph Kony was committing crimes for 20 years and no-one cared. We care.”
A Turning Point in History
We have reached a crucial time in history, where what we do, or don’t do right now will affect every generation to come.
Arresting Joseph Kony will prove that the world we live in has new rules, that the techology that has brought our planet together is allowing us to respond to problems of our friends.
We are not just studying human history, we are shaping it
Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.
Three things you can do:
1. Sign the Pledge to Show Your Support
2. Get the Bracelet and the Action Kit
3. Sign up for Tri to Donate a Few Dollars a Month
and join our Army for Peace
To see real time reports on LRA activity in the D.R.Congo, Central African Republic and South Sudan visit: http://www.lracrisistracker.com/
To learn more about Invisible Children’s recovery efforts in the post-conflict regions of northern Uganda AND our work with communities currently affected in D.R.Congo, Central African Republic and South Sudan visit: http://www.invisiblechildren.com/programs.html
To view our response to common critiques to the KONY 2012 film and campaign visit:
To see our worldwide youth mobilization initiatives:
Learn More: http://kony2012.com
Donate to Invisible Children: https://stayclassy.org/checkout/set-donation?eid=14711
For official MEDIA and artist REPRESENTATION ONLY: Christina Cattarini cattarini@sunshinesachs.com
DIRECTOR: Jason Russell LEAD EDITOR: Kathryn Lang EDITORS: Kevin Trout, Jay Salbert, Jesse Eslinger LEAD ANIMATOR: Chad Clendinen ANIMATOR: Jesse Eslinger 3-D MODELING: Victor Soto VISUAL EFFECTS: Chris Hop WRITERS: Jason Russell, Jedidiah Jenkins, Kathryn Lang, Danica Russell, Ben Keesey, Azy Groth PRODUCERS: Kimmy Vandivort, Heather Longerbeam, Chad Clendinen, Noelle Jouglet ORIGINAL SCORES: Joel P. West SOUND MIX: Stephen Grubbs, Mark Friedgen, Smart Post Sound COLOR: Damian Pelphrey, Company 3 CINEMATOGRAPHY: Jason Russell, Bobby Bailey, Laren Poole, Gavin Kelly, Chad Clendinen, Kevin Trout, Jay Salbert, Shannon Lynch PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Jaime Landsverk LEAD DESIGNER: Tyler Fordham DESIGNERS: Chadwick Gantes, Stephen Witmer
Original Instrumental Scores by Joel P. West http://www.joelpwest.com/
“02 Ghosts I” Performed by Nine Inch Nails, Written by Atticus Ross and Trent Reznor, Produced by Alan Moulder, Atticus Ross, and Trent Reznor, Nine Inch Nails appear courtesy of The Null Corporation
“Punching in a Dream”, Performed by The Naked and Famous, Written by Aaron Short, Alisa Xayalith, and Thom Powers, Produced by Thom Powers, The Naked and Famous appear courtesy of Somewhat Damaged and Universal Republic
“Arrival of the Birds”, Performed by The Cinematic Orchestra, Written by The Cinematic Orchestra, Produced by The Cinematic Orchestra, The Cinematic Orchestra appears courtesy of Disney Records
“Roll Away Your Stone”, Performed by Mumford and Sons, Written by Benjamin Lovett, Edward Dwane, Marcus Mumford, and Winston Marshall, Produced by Markus Dravs, Mumford and Sons appear courtesy of Glassnote Entertainment Group LLC
“On (Instrumental)”, Performed by Bloc Party
Written by Bloc Party, Produced by Jacknife Lee, Bloc Party appears courtesy of Vice Records
“A Dream within a Dream”, Performed by The Glitch Mob, The Glitch Mob appears courtesy of Glass Air
“I Can’t Stop”, Performed by Flux Pavilion, Flux Pavilion appears courtesy of Circus Records Limited
Read More“Last summer I decided it was time to see the this “world” I had been hearing so much about. So I bought a backpack, bought a guide book and booked a flight to Peru with a return flight from Brazil.
And so began the best summer of my life. 🙂
This video montage is basically a summary of the trip, showcasing some of the beautiful places and faces that I encountered.”
Shared on vimeo.com/fluentfilm by film-maker and photographer, BabaBC (from Norway)
Filmed on a Canon 550D with Magic Lantern (till that got stolen at knifepoint and I got myself a 600D), kit lens and f1.4 50mm (also stolen), a few shots with a f2.8 135mm.
Colorista for color, Neat Video for noise, After Effects and Premiere. CineStyle color profile in camera.
Music: Mike Oldfield – Ommadawn (2010 Stereo mix)
Also by Bababc
“After stumbling upon these macro photos of the human eye, I got a little inspired and started fiddling with my 550D. In addition to being fun this was partially a test for an upcoming project.
In any case, it turned into this:”
Eye Macro below
Have you ever wondered if any artworks are visible from space, or thought of going on a journey of “extra terrestrial” discovery using Google Earth?.
Artist Merrill Kazanjian explores art visible from space from Google Earth Gallery
He gives his reasons for choosing this medium for sharing:
“I am dyslexic and I always struggled with text.
Video gives visual learners a great alternative to text, and I want to supply a textual alternative for artists.
I also taught as an art teacher for eight years. My job was eliminated three times in eight years due to budgets. My first step by step videos were created with the purpose of keeping misbehaving students occupied.”
Merrill uses mixed media of all kinds, digital manipulation and traditional art methods. In this video he uses mixed media and a photocopier.
“My friend Al Alvir has a very popular Boxing/Mixed Martial Arts blog- http://shootafairone.com/ and I decided to create a character for one of the writers he has on staff (O’Toole). Allen is a big fan of Mike Tyson (heavyweight champion) and his legendary trainer Cus D’Amato who also trained managed Floyd Patterson (olympic and heavyweight champion) and Jose Torres (light heavyweight champion) so I made this character with D’Amato in mind.
I used D’Amato reference photos for my initial drawing but also had fictional “Rocky” trainer Mickey Goldmill in mind (portrayed by Burgess Meredith). Using these two icons; one from pop culture one from reality, gave me an interesting image to illustrate. In this video, I documented my process. ”
Merrill calls his YouTube channel “Kazanjian – the Unspellable Art Channel.”
If you know of other artwork visible from space and would like to share it or discuss it – post it on the rainbowzebra forums. www.rainbowzebra.com/forums
Read More
Left: Artist: Sarena Kirk
Title: Celebrating Women Helping Women
International Women’s Day theme
If every International Women’s Day event held in 2012 includes girls in some way, then thousands of minds will be inspired globally.
Each year around the world, International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8. Thousands of events occur not just on this day but throughout March to mark the economic, political and social achievements of women.
Organisations, governments, charities and women’s groups around the world choose different themes each year that reflect global and local gender issues.
“Connecting Girls, Inspiring Futures” is the 2012 theme of the internationalwomensday.com website and this has been widely used by hundreds of organisations including schools, universities, governments, women’s groups and the private sector. Each year the United Nations declares an overall International Women’s Day theme. Their 2012 theme is “Empower Rural Women – End Hunger and Poverty”. Many organisations develop their own themes that are more relevant to their local contexts. For example, the European Parliament’s 2012 theme is “Equal pay for work of equal value”.
Find events in your area for International Womens Day:
The Challenge
We are challenging you to Walk In Her Shoes. The challenge is simple; choose any week in March 2012 and walk 10,000 steps per day for the whole week.
See the website for details http://www.carechallenge.org.uk/charity-challenges/charity-walks/walk-in-her-shoes
“How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is quite clearly Ocean.”
— Arthur C. Clark
The world’s first comprehensive Census of Marine Life — past, present, and future — was released in 2010 in London, at the same time that Paul Snelgrove released his book: Discoveries of the Census of Marine Life: Making Ocean Life Count.
The Census of Marine Life was started by two scientists who realised that the Oceans were in trouble and we were doing nothing about it.
Planet Ocean
Although the oceans cover some 70% of our planet, providing more habitat than all other habitat combined, and produce about half of the new life everyday on earth as well as about half of the oxygen that we breathe, we know more about the surface of the Moon and about Mars than we do about the oceans
The Census project was undertaken by a global network of 2700 scientists from more than 80 nations who engaged in a 10-year scientific initiative assess and explain the diversity, distribution, and abundance of life in the global ocean.
The three main components of the census were organised around the questions:
What has lived in the oceans?
What does live in the oceans?
What will live in the oceans?
They wanted to construct the history of marine animal populations since human predation became important – roughly the last 500 years. The Roman development of salting fish as a means of preservation changed fishing patterns from one of purely catching “the meal for the day” to industrial scale fishing.
New Technologies
The study examined and used new technologies to explore unknown species and habitats, migration routes and distribution patterns, how the oceans are changing and what we can expect from them in the future.
New technologies facilitated research, remotely operated vehicles combined with satellite communication enabled distant scientists to participate in scientific investigations thousands of miles away, and the new science of genetic bar coding , developed by geneticists enabled the exact recognition of fish species.
Results have been quite astounding, with 4-5 new species from the ocean being described each day. The information has proved extremely valuable already in many ways, for example, scientists in the Gulf of Mexico had just taken a census of species in the gulf which proved very useful when the Gulf Oil Spill happened , to establish a clear idea of how marine life in the area had been affected.
Paul Snelgrove gives a fascinating talk supported by illuminating graphics and astounding photographs.
Read MoreYou have a matter of hours to see this film live-streamed for free.
See a place that has been carefully hidden from most of us,
along with the frightening realities it hides.
This may perhaps be the longest-lasting monument to our civilisation, and what will it say about us?
Watch it Live while it is available…here…
INTO ETERNITY is a multi award-winning documentary film about long-term safety issues in nuclear energy production. The film is set at ’Onkalo’ the world’s first permanent storage site for nuclear waste, which is under construction in Finland. However, all countries with nuclear energy facilities have to deal with nuclear waste for at least 100 000 years.
With the Fukushima disaster, Japan now has additional nuclear waste. Onkalo is an underground facility, but Fukushima is above ground, vulnerable to natural disasters, war, and economic crisis. The reactors, that suffered full or partial meltdown, will have to be permanently controlled and maintained for millenia on end.
The radioactive evacuation zone is now uninhabitable. It has become a blind spot in the middle of
Japan, a symbol of the dangers of blindness in thinking about safety. We cannot secure ourselves
against things we cannot – or will not – see.
A window of 150 837 seconds of free on-line streaming of the documentary
INTO ETERNITY has now opened.
March 3rd, 2012 at 7.32 am (CET): The window opens
March 5th, 2012 at 1.26 am (CET): The window closes
Wild & Scenic Film Festival, January 2012, California, USA
Best of Festival
FilmAmbiente – International Environmental Film Festival, November 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Best International Feature Film
Baikal International Festival of Documentary, October 2011, Irkutsk, Russia
Grand Prix
Antenna International Documentary Film Festival, October 2011, Sydney, Australia
Best International Film
International Uranium Film Festival, May 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Jury Award: Best Feature Documentary
Cinemaplaneta, March 2011, MEXICO
Award for: “the most innovative approach to an environmental issue”
Documentary New Zealand Trust, February 2011
Best international editing
Special Mention: Best International Feature Doc
FIFE, Paris, France, November 2010
Grand Prix
IDFA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 28th 2010
IDFA Green Screen Award
Sheffield, UK, November 7th 2010
Special mention Sheffield Green award
Festival des Libertes, Brussels, Belgium, October 30th 2010
Lichtpunt Prize
CineEcoJúri Internacional, 25 October 2010, Portugal
Youth Jury Award
Nordisk Panorama – 5 Cities Film Festival, Bergen Norway, September 29th, 2010
Nordic Documentary Award
Docufest, Prizren, Kosova, August 8th 2010
Special Mention
Planete Doc Review, May 17th 2010, Warsaw Poland
Green Award
Vision Du Reel, Nyon, Suisse, April 13th 2010
Grand Prix
CPH:DOX, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 16th 2009
Audience award
CPH:DOX, November 2010, Denmark
Reel Talent 2010 Award
The Danish Arts Foundation, The Committee for Film and Theatre, spring 2010
Award for Into Eternity
Read MoreA Healthy Revolution
There is a revolutionary school of thought about what kind of diet is best for humans to consume.
Surprisingly it is not some radical new blend of supplements, energy shakes or an Atkins meat diet, but instead it is the simplest and most natural diet imaginable – living whole foods. It is not as surprising as it might sound, to find out that there are a whole number of proven health benefits of abandoning the modern diet and replacing it with a ‘back to basics’ diet that is not full of salt, processed sugars, and all sorts of other additives.
It is also not surprising that this is not becoming common knowledge, as if everybody suddenly changed to a healthy diet, the food industry giants would be out of business and they are not going to let that happen anytime soon!
Forks Over Knives – Statistics that Shocked the Professionals
Forks over Knives, is a great film out that addresses all of the issues surrounding this diet, and gives some really astounding figures on the health benefits of a whole food diet. I would advise everybody to go and check it out and watch the film, however dubious you may be. In the film it details the results of some huge studies that took place in China, where the results speak for themselves in terms of the negative effects of eating meat, dairy and processed sugars.
Provinces that did not have access to meat, dairy, and processes sugars as part of their diet had recorded levels of cancers and heart disease, which were less than 17 times what they were in areas where these food types were present. This kind of evidence was found all over the world and it begs the question – why are we not all aware of such facts?
The truth of the matter is that cutting out meat, dairy, additives, processed sugars, sweeteners and other processed foods from your diet can significantly improve your health. Eating living whole foods has been shown to slow down, stop and in some cases even reverse the effects of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. This is something that many people would never believe unless they saw the evidence for themselves. This is why it is so important for those of you who are already aware of the situation to take action for yourself and to spread the word.
The Most Caring Thing You Could Do
It is not going to be easy to change the minds of the masses, but we can all try to make a difference to those in our sphere of influence.
If you imagine all of those in your circle of family and friends that are actually causing damage to their bodies by eating a poor diet, which is subscribed to them by the countless adverts and media pressure, you could have a positive effect on their health by educating them the truth about living whole foods.
This is not an easy thing to do, as many people, especially older people, are very set in their ways. The most caring thing you could do for someone is to try and improve their health situation, in any way that you can.
Many people seem to think that eating a living whole foods diet may be boring and tasteless, but in reality they could not be more wrong. There are a whole variety of flavours and textures to enjoy, and your taste buds will thrive when they are not being bombarded with sweeteners, and fake processed sugars.
Enjoying the natural gifts of the earth is the most exciting culinary experience possible, and it is the way things were intended to be.
The film Forks Over Knives traces the personal journeys of a pair of pioneering researchers, Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn.
Dr. Campbell, a nutritional scientist at Cornell University, was concerned in the late 1960′s with producing “high quality” animal protein to bring to the poor and malnourished areas of the third world.
While in the Philippines, he made a life-changing discovery: the country’s wealthier children, who were consuming relatively high amounts of animal-based foods, were much more likely to get liver cancer.
Dr. Esselstyn, a top surgeon and head of the Breast Cancer Task Force at the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic, found that many of the diseases he routinely treated were virtually unknown in parts of the world where animal-based foods were rarely consumed.