Cat Stevens: King of a Land

If I was a king of a land
I’d free every woman and man
I’d let them go
I’d set them free to serve You
If I knew every fish in the sea
And every bird in the tree
I’d hear their call
I’d hear them speak Your name
If I ran the schools of this world
I’d teach every boy and girl
I’d let them learn the truth
I’d let them know Your glory
If I had the stairs to the sky
(If I had the stairs to the sky)
I’d raise my voice up there high
(Raise my voice up thеre high)
I’d want the world to hear
Your pеrfect words and thank You
If I had a mountain of gold
I’d try to feed every poor soul
And give them hope again
And let them taste Your bounty
If I could reach every dream
I still would search the unseen
To find a way
That leads us to Your mercy
If I was a king of a land
(If I was a king of a land)
I’d free every woman and man
(Free every woman and man)
I’d let them go
I’d set them free to serve You
This post is being published on Saturday 6th May 2023… the day the Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla is taking place at Westminster Abbey in London.
Wouldn’t it be great if Cat Steven’s lyrics were echoed by the actions of the kings and queens of the world?
Thanks Cat — you’ve always been a favourite and an inspiration!
Read MoreWhy Are We Being Lied To About 5G?
For Your Research
“The deployment of 5G constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under
international law.”
“So we’re looking at a minimum of 57.7% miscarriages, still-birth or genetically damaged children from the irradiation of the ovarian eggs in schoolchildren sitting in front of wi-fi for 25 hours a week.”
– Barrie Trower – Physicist and Microwave Weapons Expert

Subject 2: We see a different type of degradation to the cell membranes. You can see a corrugation here, this is called a Bottle Cap formation and it’s known that this occurs due to oxidation or exposure to free radicals.
Subject 3: She had to be pulled away from the meter after 45 seconds because she complained about an increasingly sever headache. You see a phenomenon called Rouleaux, where the red blood cells are stacking up which makes it very difficult for the blood to deliver oxygen to the tissues as would be their normal function. Every one of these shows a trauma to the blood calls that came from something and the only variable was the Smart Meter.
The good news is that the patients and the blood can return to normal one they have been removed from the influence of these stressors to a wireless free zone. The bad news is, that if 5G is allowed to be rolled out, there will be no wireless free zones to recover in.

Do you see advertisers ever using the word “Microwave” when selling 5G? Our governments have some serious questions to answer about microwaving their populations.
Links to Information for Your Own Research
These links point to information further down this page. If the links don’t work for any reason, apologies, scroll down – each link is a heading in the post below.
- Cutting Down the Trees Trees get in the way of microwave transmissions. (Trees are also one of our most beneficial allies)
- EMF’s Threaten 1 MILLION Species with Extinction Microwaves damage almost all life forms.
- Claire Edwards, UN Staff Member: 5G Is War on Humanity Staff at the UN are also getting attacked by this technology, and their questions being ignored.
- Studies Showing the Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields Over 10,000 studies, carried out since the 1970s demonstrate the dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation. Our misLeaders are choosing to ignore these.
- Barrie Trower Videos A British physicist and microwave weapons expert talks about the health effects of WiFi and other Microwave radiation.
- WiFi Kills – Barrie Trower on UK Column 19th Sept 2013
- WiFi, Microwaves and the Consequences to our Health – Barrie Trower
- What Does 5G Look Like When Disguised as a Street Light? Weaponised microwave technology used on *battlefields has been installed secretly on our streets, by our misLeaders. It has been disguised as street lights. (*Known as”Soft Kill” technology)
- 5G Technology is Coming – Linked to Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and Death
- US Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology Health Risks at Senate Hearing Telecoms Corporations admit no health and safety checks have been done on 5G technology
- Lloyds Insurers Refuse to Cover 5G Wi-Fi Illness but are happy to insure space rockets.
- 5G APPEAL: Scientists Warn of Potential Serious Health Effects of 5G
- NBE Talks To Weapons Expert Mark Steele About 5G And It’s Disastrous Effects On The Population 5G LED street lights have only been in Barcelona for 3 years and it’s already doubled the breast and the prostate cancer.
- Articles on Environmental Health Trust site on 5G
- Tom Wheeler FCC Chair – Supporting 5G phenomenal profits to be made – and not a word about the phenomenal dangers
- Shocking “Smart” Meter Effects On Human Blood 2 minutes next to a “Smart” Meter..!!!
- INTERNATIONAL APPEAL – Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
- Obsolete Safety Guidelines – our misLeaders use guidelines that ignore the damaging effects of non-ionising radiation (this will be big in the Nuremberg Trials of the C21st)
- 20 Facts You Need to Know About 5G
- The Current Rollout of 5G is Illegal in Terms of the Nuremberg Code 5G is an experiment on Humans, being conducted by Corporations which are very much aware of the devastating effects it will have.
- Brussels Becomes First Major City to HALT 5G Due to Health Effects What a pity the Brussels EU bureaucrats didn’t halt the illegal rollout in Europe.
- A Mass Action of Liability There is a way we can actually hold individuals within corporations and governments accountable…
- Extraordinary Interview with Cal Washington of the InPower Movement
- 5G To Kill The Birds, Bees and Your Loved Ones? …unless we stop it.
- The BioInitiative Report 2012
- 5G Apocalypse – The Extinction Event (Documentary) A documentary by Sacha Stone covering topics our corporately controlled mainstream media avoid.
- #5G Technology, The Greatest Conspiracy of All Time! If only this was an overstatement…
5G technology is being rolled out completely illegally and unlawfully by unethical corporations despite thousands of peer-reviewed scientific studies which show it to be unsafe and despite demands by scientists, medical experts, biologists and thousands of individuals and communities that the implementation be stopped until health and safety testing has been carried out, and should not continue until the technology has been shown to be biologically and environmentally safe.
The implementation of 5G is a crime which must be stopped. The current program of implementation has already been massively damaging and if allowed to proceed it will continue to have devastating effects on life on this planet, and on the planet itself.
I am not asking you to believe me, but I am asking you, because of the seriousness of the crime being committed, which is affecting all of us, to conduct your own research into this issue (you may already have done so), to do whatever is in your power to help prevent this crime from being carried out and to help inform as many people as possible of the very real dangers of this technology.
I have included some links to information and resources in case they are of any help in your research into this issue.
“This was programmed in 1976 .. Because in 1976 (the US) government produced a list of all of the illnesses that you can develop from continuous low level microwave radiation – everything, neurological, physiological illnesses. But in the same document that was released under the Freedom of Information ..
Barrie Trower
What your government also did that was rather naughty, they asked all of the other influential governments in the world, basically to deceive the public … really for two reasons: the first is to avoid lawsuits and the second was to protect industrial profit…. It’s here in the title “economic growth”
“I would suggest that everybody start looking into thus issue, and particularly into 5G, which 237 scientists from 41 countries consider a threat that is far worse than the tobacco and the asbestos threats of the past.”
At present it is still possible to turn off electronic devices, in order to get away from electronic radiation and microwave frequencies. The aim of 5G, a major part of the American military’s “Full Spectrum Dominance” program – is to to cover the whole of the planet with microwave radiation – beamed from thousands of satellites which are being launched into space and millions and millions of new 5G transmitters which are being installed secretly, many disguised as streetlights along with millions of other transmitters, put on the side of houses, flats, hospitals, schools, virtually everywhere. Smart meters are also part of this grid of microwave radiation.
The aim is to have nowhere on the planet out of reach of microwave radiation.
Cutting Down the Trees
One of the things that would help protect us from this radiation are trees. Leaves absorb microwave radiation. That is the reason millions and millions of trees are being cut down across the planet at present – as requested by the Military Industrial Complex which is rolling out the 5G infrastructure.
Many studies have been done which show the massive health benefits – both mental and physical which are gained by living in proximity with trees. The destruction of these trees alone is a crime of immense proportions for which those responsible should be held criminally liable.
Has anyone actually seen the figures of how many trees have been cut down to make way for 5G?
Or an estimate of the loss of birds, insects and other wildlife caused just by this one corporate decision?
EMF’s Threaten 1 MILLION Species with Extinction
Claire Edwards, UN Staff Member: 5G Is War on Humanity
Staff in the UN are under attack as well.
“5G is designed to deliver concentrated and focused electromagnetic radiation in excess of 100 times current levels in the same way as do directed energy weapons.” ….
“I would suggest that everybody start looking into thus issue, and particularly into 5G, which 237 scientists from 41 countries consider a threat that is far worse than the tobacco and the asbestos threats of the past.”
Studies Showing the Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields
It is a sign of how corrupt and misleading our mainstream media is, that most people still walk round saying “the effects of mobile phones/smart meters/5G etc on people are not yet known”
when over 10 thousand published scientific studies noting the dangers go back as far as the 1970s
Here are some of them going back to the 1980s, with some of the dangers mentioned
Barrie Trower Videos
The most valuable asset any species has is its DNA, its genes.
In these videos an expert in the effects of microwave irradiation speaks about how microwaves affect genetic material.
It’s worth watching these while one can as YouTube are steadily removing videos like this
“Mr. Barrie Trower, a British physicist who was a microwave weapons expert and who worked for the Royal Navy and the British Secret Service, talks about the health effects of WiFi and other forms of microwave radiation.
Mr. Trower came out of retirement because he was concerned that the microwave frequencies and intensities to which children are exposed in schools are similar to those used for microwave weapons.”
“In the very early 1960s I trained with the government microwave warfare establishment.
I looked at all aspects of microwave warfare and when I finished my time in the military because I had a lot of expertise in the microwave field, and I was asked if I would carry on with this research.
We are now in a new Cold War and this is why countries are developing this. I mean really developing this. And this is why all the microwave transmitters are going up everywhere because somebody, if they wanted to, could use them for other effects. The system is up and running.“
– Barry Trower –
WiFi Kills – Barrie Trower on UK Column 19th Sept 2013
“…levels of microwaves lower than you would find in a school classroom would cause 47.7% still-birth or miscarriage in the first 7 weeks of pregnancy in women. This is all written in my report …
Subsequently other universities – doing their peer-reviewed research – published and peer-reviewed in scientific journals – they found that children, because of their electrical conductivity and the excess water in their bodies that adults don’t have, they absorb more microwaves and you can get an extra 20% more damage in children than adults.
So we’re looking at a minimum of 57.7% miscarriage, still-birth or genetically damaged children from the irradiation of the ovarian eggs in schoolchildren sitting in front of wi-fi for 25 hours a week.”
WiFi, Microwaves and the Consequences to our Health – Barrie Trower
“I think anybody who puts WI-fi into a school, should be locked up for the rest of their life, I really do.
I think they’re not fit to walk on the surface of this planet, because they haven’t looked at the research and whatever incentive they have it is not worth the genetic problems that parents are going to face with their children when they’re born.“
“now the problem is, imagine you are a 15 year old schoolgirl. All of the 400,000 eggs in your ovaries were with you at birth. They’re not fully developed but they’re with you. They are 10 times more susceptible to radiation than all the other DNA in the body, and scientists don’t realise that, they don’t read all of the papers, as I do.
So you have this highly susceptible genetic material which is going to make your children and you are irradiating it because wifis – they are transmitters, as well as the routers as well as the ones either side of you, they are all transmitting at this height through your ovaries.
So you are risking the DNA damage of your child every time you sit down and you use wifi.
But it gets worse, because this particular DNA, the mitochondrial DNA inside you, you can trace unchanged for your mother, her mother, her mother, right the way back to the beginning of the human race
… if you damage it, your child could be genetically damaged then her child and her child and her child … forever…
So when you put wifi in schools, what you are saying is – for the sake of a little bit of money that is getting a workman in to drill holes through the walls to feed cable, because its cheaper we’re going to put wifi in but you can have genetically damaged children for the rest of your family’s career, that’s what you’re saying.
What Does 5G Look Like When Disguised as a Street Light?
Scroll down the page on the link below to see the image of 5G Street Lamps.
If the street lights in your street have little aerials on top of them you can be reasonably confident they are 5G (microwave) receivers/transmitters. Right outside your window, backed up by the Smart Meter (microwave) you’ve been lied to about.
5G Technology is Coming – Linked to Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and Death
Health Impact News:
US Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology Health Risks at Senate Hearing
(Industry bosses admit there has been no research regarding the safety of 5G.)
5G “will rely on a network of hundreds of thousands, potentially millions of small cell sites, and the question then is – are there any health implications, any public safety implications to those sites that are likely to be located close to homes, schools, workplaces …
02:42 Q: “How much money has the industry committed to supporting additional independent research…”
REPLY SUMMARISED: 04:32 “No, I’m not aware of any.”
“So there really is no research ongoing, we’re kind of flying blind here so far as health and safety is concerned.”
Lloyds Insurers Refuse to Cover 5G Wi-Fi Illness
Insurance companies will insure Space Rockets, but they will not insure against health damage by 5G technology
5G APPEAL: Scientists Warn of Potential Serious Health Effects of 5G
“We the undersigned, scientists and doctors, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) on top of the 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, etc. for telecommunications already in place. RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment. “
”numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines”. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system,learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders,and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race,as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plants and animals.
NBE Talks To Weapons Expert Mark Steele About 5G And It’s Disastrous Effects On The Population
Mark Steele is an inventor and weapons expert with 30 years experience who has many patents for technology to protect troops on the battlefield from the effects 5G weapons. He knows that 5G is a devastating and standard technology used on battlefields and he was astounded to discover that this was what was being installed on every street, disguised as “street lamps”.
He also knows the damage to the eyes that the new lighting causes – which is why he always walks around wearing protective eyewear.
Mark started campaigning against the rollout of 5G when it was illegally installed in his area and health problems skyrocketed.
“1G, 2G, 3G and 4G are telecommunications. 5G has nothing to do with your phone, it is a weapons system that is used on battlefields.
It uses microwave radiation which affect brainwaves and is also used to shoot Maser beams to destroy targets or kill. Many of the suicides and much of the mental disorientation experienced by troops returning from battlefields is a direct result of brain damage caused by this technology.
The LED street lighting they are installing across the country is actually 5G (in disguise). The radiationfrom this microwave technology is hazardous – particularly to elderly and children Children’s eyes are much more sensitive to this type of light.
Optical radiation is a class 1 Cancer causing radiation, it is a known hazard and has to be fully risk assessed. There has been no risk assessment.
Those LED street lights have only been in Barcelona for 3 years and it’s already doubled the breast and the prostate cancer.
Mark Steele has been fighting to stop this killer technology from being used – originally in response to the amount of damage he was seeing in his own local area as a direct result of the rollout of these 5G streetlights and smart meters etc. “… we’ve seen a significant number of young babies dying in the womb. We’ve seen people bleeding from the nose, in the area. The nose bleeds, neurological disorders, cancers…”
It is deadly to humans and wildlife – birds, insects and animals will continue to die because of this – (and cutting down millions of trees has helped the wildlife genocide)
“This multimillion £ project being rolled out is probably one of the biggest capital investment projects Gateshead council has ever carried out and we don’t know anything about it. It was done in secret.“
Gateshead Council took him to court in an attempt to place a gagging order to try to stop him exposing the dangers of 5G, but the judge ruled in his favour, saying the public had a right to know.
Articles on Environmental Health Trust site on 5G
Tom Wheeler FCC Chair – Supporting 5G
Federal Communications Commission Chair, Tom Wheeler giving a speech glorifying the enormous profits to be made from 5G with no mention of health or safety issues or the fact that it is completely illegal as the current rollout of 5G breaks most of the Nuremberg Code. 5G is essentially an experiment on the Human Race, being undertaken without their prior knowledge or consent.
Founded by Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE) is an independent association of medical doctors and associated specialists assembled for the purposes of improving education regarding health effects of non-ionising radiation.
“We collate research produced globally on this issue, share and critique it and also conduct our own research.”
“A five year old can absorb sixty percent more microwave radiation than an adult and exposures in bone marrow can be up to ten times greater. Overall, they are more likely to suffer greater biological effects from EMR exposure”
Shocking “Smart” Meter Effects On Human Blood
A clip about evidence of damage to human health, as seen in the revelatory documentary Take Back Your Power (2013).
A reminder of the effects of radiation on the human body, and this is after only 2 minutes.
INTERNATIONAL APPEAL – Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
An Emergency Appeal to the World’s Governments by Scientists, Doctors, Environmental Organizations
and Others
To the UN, WHO, EU, Council of Europe and governments of all nations
“We the undersigned scientists, doctors, environmental organizations and citizens from (__) countries, urgently call for a halt to the deployment of the 5G (fifth generation) wireless network, including 5G from space satellites. 5G will massively increase exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation on top of the 2G, 3G and 4G networks for telecommunications already in place. RF radiation has been proven harmful for humans and the environment. The deployment of 5G constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law.
What is not widely acknowledged is that this will also result in unprecedented environmental change on a global scale. The planned density of radio frequency transmitters is impossible to envisage. In addition to millions of new 5G base stations on Earth and 20,000 new satellites in space, 200 billion transmitting objects, according to estimates, will be part of the Internet of Things by 2020, and one trillion objects a few years later.
Despite widespread denial, the evidence that radio frequency (RF) radiation is harmful to life is already overwhelming. The accumulated clinical evidence of sick and injured human beings,experimental evidence of damage to DNA, cells and organ systems in a wide variety of plants and animals, and epidemiological evidence that the major diseases of modern civilization—cancer, heart disease and diabetes—are in large part caused by electromagnetic pollution, forms a literature base of well over 10,000 peer-reviewed studies.”
The appeal goes on to say that laws and environmental regulations have been changed to allow the rollout of a technology that would have been illegal in the past and points out that numerous International Agreements are being violated.
Dozens of petitions and appeals by international scientists have been ignored.
” In 2015, 215 scientists from 41 countries communicated their alarm to the United Nations (UN) and World Health Organization (WHO). They stated that “numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF [electromagnetic fields] affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines”. More than 10,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies demonstrate harm to human health from RF radiation. Effects include:
Alteration of heart rhythm, Altered gene expression, Altered metabolism, Altered stem cell development, Cancers, Cardiovascular disease, Cognitive impairment, DNA damage, Impacts on general well-being, Increased free radicals, Learning and memory deficits, Impaired sperm function and quality, Miscarriage, Neurological damage, Obesity and diabetes, Oxidative stress
Effects in children include autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and asthma
Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is abundant evidence of harm to diverse plant– and wildlife and laboratory animals, including:
Ants, Birds, Forest, Frogs, Fruit flies, Honey bees, Insects, Mammals, Mice, Plants, Rats, Trees
Damage to the Ionosphere and Possible Alteration of the Schumann Resonances
The Earth, the ionosphere and the lower atmosphere form the global electric circuit in which we live… the well-being of all organisms depend on the stability of this environment including the electrical properties of the atmosphere..
…ionospheric disturbances can alter blood pressure and melatonin and cause “cancer, reproductive, cardiac and neurological disease and death”.
Power lines have already changed the structure of the magnetosphere, and that the continued expansion of this effect “threatens the viability of all life on Earth” and there is evidence that the 100 or so satellites that have been providing 2G and 3G … have already had serious effects on humans and animals.
“Adding 20,000 5G satellites will further pollute the global electric circuit and could alter the Schumann resonances, with which all life on Earth has evolved. The effects will be universal and may be profoundly damaging.”
5G radiation could have catastrophic effects on insect populations worldwide
5G radiation is strongly absorbed by the cornea… and will be absorbed by the our largest organ, the skin..
Obsolete Safety Guidelines
The current outdated safety guidelines ignore non-thermal effects of radiation and do not consider the real pollution of the environment with nonionizing radiation”. They also do not take into account the Cumulative effects of Exposure, among other things.
20 Facts You Need to Know About 5G
This page also has a video in which Paul Ben Ishai, Ph.D., a senior lecturer with the department of physics at Ariel University in Israel, reviews the potential risks to human health from sub-MM communication systems.
The Current Rollout of 5G is Illegal in Terms of the Nuremberg Code
The current roll-out of 5G breaks most of the principles of the Nuremberg Code regarding Permissible Medical Experiments. 5G is a massive experiment on the human (and all other life forms) population.
…All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:
- The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
- The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
- The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
- The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
- No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
- The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
- Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
- The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
- During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
- 10.During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.
Brussels Becomes First Major City to HALT 5G Due
to Health Effects
“I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not. The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit.We cannot leave anything to doubt.”
– Céline Fremault, Minister responsible for Housing, Quality of Life, Environment and Energy
A Mass Action of Liability
“If what we’re doing on the planet keeps going we are going to self-destruct here”
“Once you understand why it’s happening then you need to understand what to do, and that’s what this is all about.”
Cal Washington –
“So it turns out there is a way we can actually hold individuals within corporations and governments accountable for what they’re doing, and this has the potential to change everything.“
The next 40 minutes is an overview of how this works…”
Extraordinary Interview
with Cal Washington of the
InPower Movement
“…this is just one aspect of what they’re doing.
Cal Washington –
They’re Deploying a military weapons system, but they’ve done it in a commercial way, it’s not standing armies that are installing the weapon, it’s utilities and smart phone companies – everything they’re doing is in a commercial way.”
“It’s like a board game with the black and white squares on – Two games are being played there Chess and Checkers.
They’ve taught everybody to play Checkers while they’re playing Chess.”
5G To Kill The Birds, Bees and Your Loved Ones?
The BioInitiative Report 2012
A Rationale for Biologically-based Public Exposure Standards for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF)
5G Apocalypse – The Extinction Event (Documentary)
A full length documentary by Sacha Stone exposing the 5G existential threat to humanity in a way we never imagined possible!
#5G Technology, The Greatest Conspiracy of All Time!
The Brussels Business: Who Really Controls the European Union
A well researched documentary showing the true nature of the European Union and how it is run by Multinational Corporations who dictate the direction and details of its development – the increasing corporate control of Europe.
The people we choose as our representatives in government appear to simply roll over and accept this – instead of informing citizens of the true nature of the “deal”.
[Numbers in square brackets indicate approximate position of a few “bookmarks” on the video
eg – [21:19 – Uncovering the documents]]
The material collected by the activists was published in the excellent book
“When I started out as a young Environmental Activist, I had no idea I would end as a watchdog in the Brussels machinery.
… but I was stunned to discover how fragile the political decision making process is, and to realise how easily it can be manipulated.
“There is a dark force behind this machinery. An entire industry operating in the shadow, often in secrecy and very confidential”.
“In the end its all about money. Democracy is one person one vote but in Brussels Business, it’s One Euro One Vote”
“What is interesting in international trade is that an international treaty signed by the European Union, even if it is not European Union Legislation, is above the European Legislation
And all the countries of Europe have to respect that international treaty that the Union has signed. “
“Brussels … is the place where legislation is launched. I think the figure is around 80% of all legislation which directly affects EU citizens, is actually initiated here in Brussels.”
“ 2500 lobby structures are based in Brussels, 15,000 lobbyists, the second biggest lobby industry in the world, only Washington DC is bigger.”
The organisation of the European Round Table (ERT) was formed and “represents the first time multinational firms organised purposefully and politically at the European level to try to influence European policy”.
The ERT publishes reports such as the “Reshaping of Europe” in which they recommend how to change the face of Europe.
Some of the Unelected Bureaucrats of Brussels (paid so well out of our taxes) apparently copy and paste this material, change the name of the authors and publish it as the “EU” directives, laws, rules, regulations, which are forced upon us through European Law.
These are the same people who are behind the TTIP agreement, which will cement their authority in place and allow them to completely loot all the countries tied into the European Union.
[37.30] The ERT meets a few days before the EU Summit. The directives given by the CEOs of the multinational organisations regarding what they want include things such as:
Adoption of a single market, the monetary union, infrastructure projects, a flexible labour market, deregulation, downsize public services, austerity measures,
All of which are diligently passed on by the Bureaucrats of Brussels to the heads of State, who diligently pass them on to the people who chose them as their representatives.
[50.00] “The Multilateral Agreement on Investments was cooked up by some of the world’s largest corporations and their associations and the goal was to restrain government from regulating capital and investment.
It literally constrained government, it put handcuffs on government regulations and then empowered the corporations with a whole full new set of rights to be free from regulation, but also to sue our government.”
This agreement would have meant that our governments would have had to compensate foreign companies if they wanted to increase Environmental Protection, if they wanted better Labour Standards, if they wanted to secure equal treatment for women, or if they wanted to tax Capital”
[1:18:40] One month after the financial crash had started (2008) an “Independent High Level Group on Financial Supervision” was created by the EU “to work out proposals for the regulations of the financial market and to find a way out of the financial crisis”
Investigation showed that this “independent” group were in the direct pay of the financial institutions which had caused the crash.
Watch the video…
This is what the European Union is about.
Multinational Corporate control of Europe, its citizens and its resources.
Example: [40.40]
A telex from the CEO of Philips shows that in December 1985 “he wrote to the heads of state just before the signing of the Single European Act which started the process of the Single Market
“The crux of the Telex is as follows: “We don’t know what you’re going to do, but we want you to act. You can act one way, or another. If you choose not to have the Single Market Program then you have given us no choice but perhaps we’ll take our business elsewhere.”
Read MoreEuropean Union Brexit – Can You Answer These Questions?
The European Union Referendum for the UK is a few days away.
For the most important vote we are likely to make in our lifetime there are some very important questions to be asked.
As soon as we exit the European Union, we are automatically removed from the TTIP agreement.
This is something our leaders have (shame on them) not been making clear to us.
And all our other public institutions which the multinationals are waiting greedily to take over, asset-strip and control.
The British people (and the people of Europe) have been fighting the TTIP agreement, but with great difficulty as it is all being implemented in the secret halls of Brussels, where they spent years negotiating it in secret with the Bilderberg Group, hoping to implement it without the people knowing. The terms of the agreement (all about power, not trade) are so extremely bad for the people of the countries involved that even the government leaders who are required to sign the agreement are not allowed to read the whole of the agreement (even the corrupt leaders may still have enough humanity to be shocked by the details, so make sure they don’t read them).
Did anyone ever teach you the importance of reading the “small print”?
If you know anything about TTIP, it is at the centre of EU policy and the EU lawmakers can force us to accept it at any stage – and are likely to do so shortly after the referendum if the British people are fooled into staying in the EU.
EU law states that
“Member States shall actively and unreservedly support the European Union’s foreign and security policy.”
– From the EU’s (2005) Constitution –
which means no matter what your politician tells you, nothing they can do or say will be able to stop the implementation of TTIP. If they tell you they can, they are lying.
TTIP will ensure privatisation of the NHS (one of the biggest Jewels in the Crown which corporations running the European Union are gleefully planning to loot the British people of) – and it will give multi national corporations the ability to run governments whose power the TTIP agreement ensures is removed.
End of Democracy in Europe.
Make sure you understand what you are voting about on June 23rd – and what the implications for your future and the future of the country are.
Tens of thousands of people across Europe are hoping we will choose to exit the EU – so they have a possible chance of following in our footsteps and escaping the organisation that is destroying their communities and their countries.
(Keeping in mind that it is the Taxes of European Citizens that Pay the EU Salaries and Costs.)
See how many of these your Friends and Family can answer:
QUIZZ: SUBJECT: BREXIT – THE MOVIE (Published on May 12, 2016 – YouTube)
Some questions in the 2nd half refer to info in “The Real Face of the European Union” (YouTube)
1. How Many Presidents does the EU have?
2. How Many EU Buildings are there in Brussels?
3. How Many People Working for the EU are Paid More Than David Cameron?
4. On Top of their Generous Salaries, What Extra Perks do EU Officials Get?
5. In Addition, What Extra Pay Do MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) Get?
6. EU Regulations: How Much Have They Grown Since Britain Joined in 1973?
7. Are all these Laws created by the European Parliament?
8. How Many Laws Has the EU Got for…
Pillowcases: Pillows: Alarm Clocks: Sheets: Bathrooms: Toothbrushes: Toothpaste: Mirrors: Showers: Shampoo: Towels: Radiators: Bread: Toasters: Fridges: Milk: Bowls: Spoons: Orange Juice: Coffee: Dogs:
9. How Many Boxes of Fish did the North Shields Fish market average per Day – Before EU regulation as compared to the number today?
10. How Much Does the Company Tate and Lyle estimate the Effects of EU Regulation on their London Sugar Refinery Cost the UK Economy per Year?
11. Are we more likely to have bigger and better trade deals inside the EU or outside?
12. Since its inception in 1973, how many times has the EU had its accounts checked by External Auditors?
13. How much does Corruption in the EU cost the people of Europe annually in wasted taxes?
14. What work was Jean-Claude Junker involved in before being appointed EU President?
15. How does Jean-Claude Junker explain his policy on the importance of transparency in the EU?
16. What advice did Junker give Gordon Brown regarding explaining to the British people whether or not being in the EU would affect their sovereignty?
17. How does Junker describe the methods used by the EU to introduce unpopular regulations?
18. Name three ways in which the Laws governing the British people will change once British Law is replaced by European Union Law
“Complying with regulation imposes huge costs, and falling foul of regulations can put you out of business”
“Starting a new business is like entering a legal minefield”
“Big established firms don’t mind regulation so much. For a start, it means less competition.”
“All corporates love the European Union because what it does – it creates the regulations which destroy their smaller rivals.”
“Big companies lobby in Brussels. The amount of money they spend there is staggeringly large.”
“One of the first things that stuns you are the number of invitations on your desk, for lunch, breakfast, dinner, champagne receptions and invariably, they come from lobby groups.”
“There are people who make their whole livelihood by being lobbyists in Brussels.
The returns they get by stifling competition and framing regulations in a way which suits them and keeps other people out, is very very striking”
“(The EU) was devised to make sure that the great mass of the people could not control government ever again.” We,The People are being cajoled, frightened and bullied into surrendering our democracy and freedom.
“The European Parliament is irrelevant. The European Union bureaucratic structures who are appointed, not elected, have all the real power.”
“For the last couple of decades, Britain has voted against 72 measures in the European Council, and been defeated 72 times.”
“Every year that goes by, the percentage of business we do outside the EU grows at double the rate of the business we do inside the EU”
What if the EU forces on us a trade deal with open borders and other stuff we don’t like?
“If a trade deal is unacceptable to us, whether it is with the EU or anybody else, we just don’t sign it.”
“The idea that you have to be in the European Union to trade with the European Union is a total absurdity.”- Nigel Lawson – Chancellor of the Exchequer 1983 – 1989
“You don’t need a trade deal with a country to be able to trade with it”
“China doesn’t have a trade deal with the European Union, nor does the United States, nor does India. You don’t need trade deals. Trade involves having a product or a service which other people are prepared to buy at whatever price you can produce it for.”
Although you don’t need a trade deal to trade with the EU, it is likely they will want one
“The EU is desperate to keep its goods flowing into the UK” “We are actually the biggest market for the rest of the European Union.” “They need us more than we need them.” “The Germans biggest industry needs us to the tune of 16 Billion plus, every year.”
It’s about bread and circuses for the Little People.
The political class say to us “you needn’t worry about sovereignty or any of that stuff, you’re going to get better mobile phone rates, that’s the good news and you’re going to get slightly cheaper holidays and those are the things that really matter to you, aren’t they, because you’re one of the Little People.”
“They’re treating us like Natives in the 19th Century when Captain Cooke lands on the shore and he starts handing out these beads and trinkets and we’re going to be happy with that and we’re going to sell them our country for them”
The new European Justice system currently being introduced into the UK is known as Corpus Juris – literally “Body of Law” Corpus Juris is designed completely and permanently to overhaul the British justice system and will include the following:
1. THE SCRAPPING OF TRIAL BY JURY – henceforth you will face a State appointed Judge who will pronounce you guilty or not guilty
2. THE SCRAPPING OF HABEAS CORPUS – You are liable to summary arrest without charge
Under Corpus Juris you can be detained without charge or any evidence – for up to 9 months
3. THE SCRAPPING OF INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY – Henceforth a citizen must prove his innocence against the combined machinery of the state
4. THE SCRAPPING OF DOUBLE JEOPARDY or not being tried for the same offence twice
Technically, one could be tried repeatedly until the required conviction is reached
5. THE SCRAPPING OF NON-DISCLOSURE – Henceforth, under Corpus Juris, any previous convictions you have will be made available to the court before your trial begins. There is no presumption of innocence
“Under The Continental System – you have no rights at all – an Englishman has full liberty, except under the due restriction of law. Under the Continental System you have no rights, except those rights allowed to you by the State. … this will stop us having a right to Trial by Jury, and that in itself is a back door to a Dictatorial arrangement.”
QUIZZ: Subject: BREXIT – The Movie (Published on May 12, 2016 – YouTube)
(Keeping in mind that it is the Taxes of European Citizens that Pay the EU Salaries and Costs.)
Four. (Yes, I thought so too)
Over 90. (There are plenty more in Strasbourg and Luxemburg. The Strasbourg Parliament was built in 1999 at the cost of £300 million. It is only open 4 days every month)
“10,000. There are 10,000 people here paid more than David Cameron. That’s one in five of everyone who works for the EU.”
“If you’re an EU official, there’s the Relocation Allowance, the Household Allowance, the Family Allowance, the Entertainment Allowance, the Private Healthcare Allowance, the Private Education for your kids allowance… the Healthcare Allowance includes free Viagra. You’d have thought that would come under entertainment”
They get paid “an extra £250 a day for being good enough to turn up, another £41,000 on top of that to cover phone bills, computers… another £225,000 on top of that to cover staffing costs … and … they’ve decided to charge themselves a special low rate of tax.”
In 1973, when the documentation came in for signing, it took two strong men to carry it.
Today if all the documents were piled up they would be as high as Nelson’s Column.
No. The real power in the EU, including the power to legislate resides not with the Parliament but with (unelected) EU officials. They debate their laws in secret. We are not allowed to hear or read their deliberations. “It’s the only parliament that was ever invented where you cannot initiate legislation, impose legislation or even the repeal of legislation. All of that comes from the unelected European Commission.”
Pillowcases: 5 Pillows: 109 Alarm Clocks: 11 Sheets: 50 Bathrooms: 65 Toothbrushes: 31 Toothpaste: 47 Mirrors: 172 Showers: 91 Shampoo: 118 Towels: 454 Radiators: 36 Bread: 1246 Toasters: 52 Fridges: 84 Milk: 12,653 Bowls: 99 Spoons: 210 Orange Juice: 202 Coffee: 625 Dogs: 556
Before EU regulations there would be between 8 and 12,000 boxes of fish a day.
Today there are about 200 boxes a day.
80 to 90 Million Euros a year. Just for this one factory.
“Add up the GDP of all the countries that have trade deals with the EU it comes to £5,23 trillion. It sounds a lot, but Switzerland has £29.2 trillion and tiny Singapore has £35,5 trillion (7 x as much as the EU’s) and South Korea £45.2 trillion (9 x as much)
Chile, population 8 million has £50.3 trillion”
“The EU is rubbish. You can’t throw a shipping container without hitting a country with better trade deals than the EU”
“The EU has got no trade deal with China or India or Russia or the United States”
“Of Britain’s top 10 trading partners, the EU has trade deals in place with only 2”
“Every year that goes by, the percentage of business we do outside the EU grows at double the rate of the business we do inside the EU”
“We joined the European Union and it’s become the world’s only declining trade block. Far from hitching our wagon to a dynamic economic locomotive, we’ve shackled ourselves to a corpse.”
The EU is paid billions from European Taxpayers every year. External Auditing is a standard procedure for large businesses in order to maintain accountability and avoid fraud.
The European Union has never had an External Audit.
The figure given in the House of Lords Committee was that it was £6,000 million worth of corruption in a single year
Jean-Claude Junker “was the Prime Minister of Luxembourg and the EU’s longest serving leader until he was forced to resign” As Prime Minister he worked to change the economy of Luxembourg by organising preferential deals for Multinationals. “Luxembourg’s fiscal policy and tax agreements with hundreds of Multinational firms transformed his country from an economy based on industry to one based on finance.”
“When it becomes serious, you have to lie,” … “We all know what to do, we just don’t know how to get re-elected after we’ve done it,” he says.
In May 2011, he told a meeting of the federalist European Movement that he often “had to lie” and that Eurozone monetary policy should be discussed in “secret, dark debates”. He sparked controversy by suggesting that the Eurozone Economic Policy was incompatible with democracy.
“Mr Juncker went on to play a leading role in the resurrection of the EU constitution in the form of the Lisbon Treaty and advised Gordon Brown, then Prime Minister, to mislead the British public over “transfers of sovereignty”
“Of course there will be transfers of sovereignty. But would I be intelligent to draw the attention of public opinion to this fact?”
“We decide on something, leave it lying around and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don’t understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back”.
See the list just above this “Answers” section.
Our media are continually speaking about “Leaving Europe” – which is an intentional way of confusing people about the issue. We are geographically part of Europe and this is not going to change unless someone cuts us off the map and pastes us next to Guantanamo Bay or somewhere similar.
The issue here is the institution/power structure called the “European Union” – one of the most corrupt institutions that has ever existed – and one which we have been lied to and deceived about since day one.
When it first appeared in 1957, its devious creators called it the “Common Market” because the memory of the wars and the Nazi attempt to take over Europe in order for its banks and industries (especially pharmaceutical) to control the markets, was so clear in the minds of the people they would have broken the four minute mile if something called the “European Union” was introduced.
The British are great traders and innovators and a “market” sounded quite acceptable.
What Ted Heath, their misleader at the time who took them into the “Common Market” did not tell the voters was that he knew the plan at the heart of the institution was “ever closer union” with a plan for all power to be removed from European countries and handed over to a central control in Brussels. He admitted to this knowledge later.
He also did not tell the British public that one of the things he had to agree to in order for Britain to be accepted into the “Common Market” was for us to give up our territorial fishing rights and effectively close down our fishing industry, something we are still paying the price of now. For an island nation not to be allowed to fish in its own waters is criminal, and a very good example of the kind of threat posed to us by Brussels.
The British mass media is flooding our minds with lies. The main newspapers, radio stations etc are all owned and controlled by “big money” answerable to the massive corporations for whom the Bureaucratic Dictatorship of Brussels is an absolute dream. The corporations are writing the laws which Brussels is forcing on the UK.
We have had over 14,000 laws and “directives” from Brussels, each one of them potentially making it harder for small businesses to survive or compete against Mega Corporations, and each one of them making more and more people potentially definable as “criminal” if they break the web of suffocating laws.
Most worryingly – they are creating thousands of laws to control us – and at the same time (has your MP brought this to your attention?) they are removing British Law – which has taken hundreds of years to develop, has many checks and balances designed to protect the innocent – and replacing it with European Law, under which citizens have no rights. See more about this in the quizz below.
Brussels is the world’s 2nd biggest Lobbying Centre (where Corporations lobby to have laws modified in their favour), 2nd only to Washington, and we all can see how that has killed democracy in America.
Britain used to be a proud, free, sovereign state, willing to fight to the death for its freedom, as demonstrated in the two world wars of the last century – now our politicians are telling us we are not strong enough to stand on our own two feet, our country will fall apart if we do not remain in the EU and continue to receive its support. Don’t forget what EU “Support” did for Greece.
Think about how European and British Pre-European Union industry compares with its status after decades of EU Regulation. The EU has had decades to prove itself to us, and if we honestly look at how it has affected us, we should be running away from its poisonous clutches as fast as our legs will carry us.
“PEACE”- is another excuse thrown at us – “being in the EU has kept peace and stability in Europe.”
Keep in mind that wars on populations can be waged by Banks and Financial institutions as well as by traditional armies. The Banksters have launched one attack on the people of Britain after the other. This is not peace – it is Financial War – people have lost houses, businesses, health, families, pensions, jobs, self-esteem, quality of living …
British companies that had existed for generations and provided work for communities and stability in the country have been closed down or sold off and asset-stripped, one by one through financial pressure from criminal financial institutions such as the banks.
Don’t be fooled by the argument for the “Peace” that the EU has brought us.
No matter how good a neighbourhood you live in, it would be criminal and potentially life-threatening if your government passed laws that prevented you from locking your front door. The idea that countries should not be allowed to control their borders is astounding.
“This protectionism is basically trying to protect industries that otherwise wouldn’t do very well in a competitive environment. Otherwise you wouldn’t bother to protect them.”
“You are preventing your citizen from accessing better, cheaper products.”
“It used to be called a Rich Man’s Club and that is by and large what it is.”
“This is the most important voting that any of us are going to make in our lifetime. With general elections it doesn’t really matter who you vote for, Conservative or Labour, you know that in four years you can change your mind. This time you can’t change your mind, this time it’s for keeps.”
“The history of democracy in Britain has been the history of tax payers demanding the right to determine themselves how much tax should be taken from them and how it should be spent.”
“What made Britain rather different from most other countries (historically) was that at an early stage we said ‘No government can pass any law or impose any tax without first getting the authority of the British people”
“Since they’re not directly accountable to the taxpaying public, EU politicians and bureaucrats have understandably been more than generous to themselves in pay and perks. This is the much talked about Brussels Gravy Train
“It’s like heaven for the politician or bureaucrat because it’s power without accountability”
“They have their very own “shopping centre – it’s all for politicians and bureaucrats it’s not for members of the public. Hair salon, nail bar, saunas, massage parlour … why would they not want to stay here, living a life of luxury?”
“You know what we see here is really a racket. It’s become a very good way of taking money from the general population and handing it to people who are lucky enough to be working for the system.”
“When Britain joined the Common Market, it lost control of its fishing ground. When quotas were imposed, several other European countries lobbied the EU for Britain’s fishing rights to be divided up between them. The British government was powerless to stop it. Local fishermen were now banned from fishing in waters they had fished successfully for centuries.”
The EU has been paying British fishermen to destroy their boats. They said to the fishermen – if you want to get out the industry we’ll give you a lump sum. The EU pays fishermen to leave an industry and destroy their boats, while at the same time giving rights to people from elsewhere to fish the same waters…”
“It soon became clear that the Common Market was so much more than a trade deal. Shiny new buildings kept appearing. The administration grew and the price of membership kept going up as the EU assumed greater powers and demanded more money from member states. Inevitably this burgeoning bureaucratic machine reflected the values of the university educated people who ran it and who benefited from its generous funding.”
“I think there is a mind-set amongst the cultural and political elite, that their role on the planet is to direct the lives of the rest of us. They think that ordinary people need to be controlled and looked after. They think the world needs to be ordered from above and that they should be the ones doing the ordering.”
“There’s a tremendous snobbery built into the whole project. The idea that you are part of the Elite, which decides how the Little People live their lives.”
“In the referendum we are going to be asked: Do we want to be governed by an organisation which we don’t understand, run by people we don’t know and haven’t elected who have the power to impose on us laws that we haven’t debated and have little or no chance of blocking or repealing.”
Regulation is so vast and complex even the EU is unable to tell us how many laws there are covering different areas of our lives.
“Farmers like it when food prices are high, so when a French farmer finds that African farmers are beginning to sell their produce in Europe, he’s not happy. He goes to Brussels and gets the bureaucrats to impose Tariffs, Quotas and Complex Regulations”
“This is particularly pernicious for African producers of food who find that they face a big Tariff Barrier when trying to export to Europe. That’s bad for them because they can’t earn money, and it’s bad for British consumers because their food costs more.”
“You name it – TVs, laptops, sofas – EU regulations and trade barriers pushes up the price of everything. The cost of living goes up, Europeans get poorer.”
“If you’re a steel producer you don’t like the idea of cheap steel coming in from America or Asia, you’d much rather the EU shoved up some Trade Barriers. Great for Steel Producers, but what if you’re a steel consumer. Suppose you make bridges or railway lines, or cranes or roads or ships or trains or cars .. or other things made of steel…
You now have to pay more for your steel than your competitor is paying, say in South Korea or Brazil. Protecting one producer has raised costs for other producers. The disease spreads. Instead of one uncompetitive industry we now have many”
“For centuries Raw sugar has been coming into the Thames in huge quantities to be refined at factories like this”. Standing outside Tate and Lyle’s own docks, an employee explains the effect of the EU:
“The European Union is the biggest drag on the competitiveness of our business … you can see behind me on the jetty today that there’s no boats here with raw sugar and that’s precisely our problem. The boats can deliver our raw sugar here to London but the sugar on them, the cost of that is inflated by the fact that the European Union restricts who we can buy that sugar from and on much of that sugar they also charge us import tariffs. Some of the boats of sugar that we bring in, we can be paying anywhere between 2 to 3 and a half million Euros in extra costs because of the European policies.”
When inefficient European Beet Sugar producers asked the EU for protective barriers against cane sugar producers around the world, it was a blow to refiners like Tate and Lyle.
The costs have risen. So has the price of sugar for consumers, while Tate and Lyle’s turnover and profit has been hit.
“Whereas up to 2009 we were exporting 300,000 tons of sugar, because the European regulations have made us uncompetitive, not only have we stopped exporting that sugar, but we also now face around 250,000 tons of import into the UK to compete with as well, so it’s a double whammy … and we estimate that probably costs the UK economy something like 80 to 90 million euros a year. Just for this one factory.”
“The EU has slid from Free Trade into Crony Capitalism and Protectionism”
“Protection hurts consumers who have to pay more for inferior products. It hurts industries because costs are forced higher. In the end it even hurts the firms who are protected.”
“Protectionism impoverishes all of Europe. It makes all of us worse off” “If you prop up failing, antiquated businesses that can’t naturally compete, you get stagnation of the economy”
The EU “constantly wants to achieve growth through “harmonisation”, top down control and central direction and we know those don’t work.”
“Regulation is the enemy of competition and competition is the engine of growth. Therefore, it is no surprise the European Union has become an economic basket case.”
“Every continent now is outgrowing Europe. When you think of the growth rates in China and then you look at the growth rate in the European Union, that tells me we are in the wrong place.” “We joined the European Union and it’s become the world’s only declining trade block. Far from hitching our wagon to a dynamic economic locomotive, we’ve shackled ourselves to a corpse.”
“Despite decades of economic decline, the EU elite carries on regardless. They are unmoved by criticism, untroubled by popular discontent but the frustration of ordinary people is beginning to show.”
“Eventually, if you stuff dictatorship down the throats of people who don’t want it, they will rebel.”
“Extremism at both ends is being fostered by the anti-democratic nature of the European Union”
“The question that you can ask our ministers is: How is it that they have sworn oaths of office that say that they will defend all jurisdictions and authorities belonging to Her Majesty against all foreign powers, and then they give away those powers of governance or are purporting to give away those powers of governance to those that owe no allegiance to this crown.”
“the draft constitution wording confirms Brussels will exercise competence and primacy over member states own laws. For the British this will mean being stripped of any remaining independence, losing control over our foreign policy and armed forces, the handing over of our legal system and law enforcement to the European Union, the scrapping of the pound sterling to be replaced by the Euro. The handing over of our remaining currency and gold reserves to the European Central Bank and the total regulation of British domestic and international trade by the European Union.
“(We’ve had) over 14,000 directive from Brussels (2014) and having attacked Central Government, now Brussels is attacking our local government.
We have lost nearly 100% of control over the Environment -the British scenery, the countryside – everything that comprises environment including health and safety regulations. We have lost nearly 100% of our control over our Fishing
We have lost 100% control over our farming
We have lost 100% control over our Trade Policy – of particular significance when you consider that Britain is the 4th largest economy in the world and we do more trade per head of population than any other country in the world, by far.”
“…we’re going to lose over 300 different nutrient forms, on top of that there’s going to be a dosage restriction so the 1000mg Vitamin C tablet that we’ve been selling for 14 – 15 years, will become illegal (as will) the safe and effective products we’ve been using for decades.
(MEPs can) “buy a cheap airline ticket to come to Strasbourg for about £45 return. When you get here, you’re reimbursed nearly £800 for the cost … Now this has been going on for the last 20 years …our members of the European Parliament simply haven’t been talking about it. The whole thing is corrupt to the core.
The .. figure given in the House of Lords Committee was £6,000 million worth of corruption in a single year. Their accounts hadn’t been signed off for the last 8 years.” The EU has Never had an external Audit
The first whistle-blower on corruption was proved right and the entire European Commission were forced to resign in disgrace. One of those forced to resign has been put in charge of sorting out fraud. The second whistle-blower who said: “I cannot sign off these accounts. You’re using a cash-based system, you’re not using double-entry book keeping” was suspended, pending an investigation
The Real Face of the European Union – Politics Documentaries
Read MoreJe Suis Charlie: The People want Peace
your right to say it.”
– Voltaire –
“Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men”… the songs of Christmas were still fresh in the collective memory when two masked gunmen armed with AK-47s and other weapons attacked the Paris offices of the French Satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, killing twelve people and wounding eleven others.
Another gunman took hostages at a kosher supermarket in a related incident, with a total of 20 people killed, (including 3 terror suspects) and 21 others injured between the 7th and 9th of January 2015 in the deadliest terrorist attack in France in over 50 years.
Charlie Hebdo is a weekly newspaper that has irreverently satirised the extreme right, Catholicism, Islam, Judaism, politics, and culture for years, no doubt offending plenty of people along the way. The killings of writers and artists and unarmed, innocent citizens raised many issues, some of them regarding freedom of expression – should it be allowed? Should people be allowed to silence the views of others with whom they disagree – either through repressive laws or by killing them?
The immediate reaction from cartoonists around the world was the #Je Suis Charlie campaign on Twitter in with pencils and pens responding to weapons and terrorist threat in a thousand creatively thought-provoking ways was a vivid demonstration of how the pen can indeed be mightier than the sword. Those images will be speaking eloquently for a hundred years in a hundred languages.
Possibly the simplest response of all was from Christian Adams from London’s Telegraph where the title: EXTREMIST APPROVED CARTOON was set into the frame of a completely blank cartoon panel.
The violence was hate-fuelled, racist and motivated by a grotesquely distorted vision of religion. In a remarkable response over 1.5 million people took to the streets in Paris today in what has been called the “march against hatred”. People from all backgrounds, religions and colours joined in the peaceful show of solidarity which, along with simultaneous marches across the country turned into the largest demonstration in the history of France.
The attacks raised other issues as well.
After 9/11 the USA declared its “War on Terror”
Today, when most public services are experiencing damaging cuts in the name of Austerity, the War on Terror is one budget which has been declared untouchable. It has already cost trillions of dollars and caused millions of deaths and unimaginable suffering.
The only apparent success of the war on terror has been in creating a climate of political fear and enabling the US military establishment to award itself almost unlimited access to taxpayers money.
Tom Engelhardt Professor of Journalism at University of California, Berkeley, in a an opinion piece in the Huffington Post, described the US’s response to the 9/11 bombings and its War on Terror as a total failure in reducing terrorism. He points out that in fact it transformed global jihadism from “a microscopic movement on this planet” to the number-one foreign policy concern.
The man in the street does not want violence or war, as the march in Paris today showed, and the marches around the world before the invasion of Iraq showed.. (and the examples go on and on…)
But war can prove extremely profitable to those dealing in weapons of death.
The top five countries profiting from the arms trade are the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council: the USA, UK, France, Russia, and China.
- USA – 44% – $220.608 Billion Dollars – mostly to Developing Countries
- Russia – 17% – $83.323 Billion Dollars – mostly to Developing Countries
- France – 8% – $41.96 Billion Dollars – mostly to Developing Countries
- UK – 5% – $27.037 Billion Dollars – mostly to Developing Countries
- China – 4% – 17.808 Billion Dollars – to Developing Countries
So as we sit back and contemplate the amazing scenes we witnessed in Paris today and all that they represented – a combined voice against hatred, a call for peace and tolerance, the choice of individuals to care for other human beings they have not even met, a unified vote to respect the values of Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood…
Possibly at this time one of the questions we should be contemplating is whether these values are also the priorities of those who call themselves our leaders.
Or whether they have other priorities.